Monday, 1 September 2008

Google Chrome

Google this and you will find a slew of links talking about a new open source browser that Google are developing.

Check this link for a scanned in copy of a comic book that is apparently being sent out to various chosen people/organisations. Also this link (same site) for a description.

It looks interesting, a bit more competition in this space should be good. I just hope that they implement the DOM and Javascript properly (unlike [all] other well known implementations). Which makes me wonder if there will be a Flash or Silverlight add-in for it (and if these will be treated with parity).

My favourite feature from those discussed is that there will be a task manager where users will be able to view the plugins and web pages active in the browser, and the resources that they are responsible for consuming.

Google's power in the web-space is already significant and ownership of a browser would no doubt increase this, open source or not. Hmmmm... guess I'll get back to playing with AppEngine and learning Python!

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