Saturday, 6 December 2008

WCF With The Castle Windsor Facility

Towards the end of a rather busy Saturday of coding in the office I decided to take on the exposing of some services at the boundary of a system I am working on. We're using the Castle project's Windsor container for our IOC on all of our new projects and so I figured that it would make sense to do a short spike into the WCF facility that ships with it to see whether this would be worth using going forwards. The short answer is that I think it is.

It proved very simple to get going. I'd recommend anyone looking to use this facility gets the latest version of the source code in the trunk before starting and has a look at the demo project in there as this proved very helpful.

I quickly defined an interface and set it up as a contract (as per normal with WCF), I then created a class that implemented the interface. At this point in the Global.asax.cs I configured my Windsor container mappings like this:

ServiceDebugBehavior returnFaultsAndMex =

                new ServiceDebugBehavior


                        IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true,

                        HttpHelpPageEnabled = true



            ServiceMetadataBehavior metadata =

                new ServiceMetadataBehavior {HttpGetEnabled = true};


            container = new WindsorContainer()




















Next up was the .svc file:

<% @ServiceHost Service="BarEnterpriseService" 

    Factory="Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration.DefaultServiceHostFactory, Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration" %>

With a bit of work in the web.config file then, with a press of F5, I can navigate to the svc and get the MEX page:



      <service name="Foo.Bar.EnterpriseServices.BarEnterpriseService" behaviorConfiguration="ReturnFaultsAndMex">

        <endpoint contract="Foo.Bar.EnterpriseServiceContracts.IBarEnterpriseService"






        <behavior name="ReturnFaultsAndMex" >

          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />

          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />





This is great and very nicely integrates the whole WCF experience into my IOC centric application. I do still have a couple of areas where I have questions. In the global.asax file I included details of two behviours, for error details and to enable the MEX service. This code was lifted from the sample in the Castle trunk. I still needed to add these behaviours explicitly into the web.config though. Present or removed these registrations seem to have no effect, and I find the same to be the case with the demo app.