Thursday, 22 January 2009

Trying to Bind Form Elements in the View to a Dictionary in the Model with ASP.NET MVC

I've got a class that has, instead of statically typed properties, a dictionary that is used to store different values depending on what is needed for any given instance.

    public class Baz
        public Baz()
            Foo = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Bar", null } };
        public IDictionary<string, string> Foo { get; set; }

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and I want to bind the object to the View. The View is dynamically generated based on a template object, like this:

<% foreach (Field field in ViewData.Model.Template.Fields)

        <%= Html.Encode(field.DisplayText) %>
        <%= Html.TextBox(string.Format("Foo[{0}]", field.Name)) %>
 <% } %>

In the above, the field.Name will correspond to the Key of a KVP placed into the dictionary of the Foo instance during its' manufacture.

I am using the DefaultModelBinder, and if I look at the ASP.NET MVC (Beta) source code and in particular the BindModelCore method I see that the first thing it does is to find out if the type being dealt with is a Dictionary type, if it is then the UpdateDictionary method gets called. The first line of the UpdateDictionary method assigns the result of a call to CreateSubPropertyName passing in the BindingContext.ModelName as the prefix, and the string 'index' as the property name.

Now I can't see how this works. The result of this code seems to be that, where the ModelName is foo, a key of 'foo.index' is looked for in the route data, query string and form values (DefaultValueProvider.GetValue). Now this isn't found unless the id's for my form elements that tie in to the Dictionary are called 'foo.index' (yep, same id for multiple elements - already smells very wrong). That means altering my View code to look like this:

 <% foreach (Field field in ViewData.Model.Template.Fields)
        <%= Html.Encode(field.DisplayText) %>
        <%= Html.TextBox("Foo.index")) %>
 <% } %>

And, giving each the name of foo.index, I get back the values of each as the attempted values and progress into the code which iterates through these values (now stored in a string[] called 'indicies'. The first line of code in the foreach loop (still in DefaultModelBinder.UpdateDictionary) calls CreateSubIndexName, passing in the ModelName and one of the attempted values, so if the attempted value was 'test', it will return foo[test]. Now this key is formatted how I'd want, but uses the attempted value as the key, which is not what I'd want.

The very next thing that happens is a call to DefaultModelBinder.BindProperty which calls CreateSubPropertyName passing in the ParentContext.ModelName, which right now is 'foo[test]' and the string 'key'. This results in a 'newName' of 'foo[test].key'. The consequence of this is that DefaultValueProvider.GetValue is called and looks for an id called 'foo[bar].key', unsurprisingly this doesn't exist, as I had to give all of the dictionary bound form elements an id of 'foo.index', when the null value is returned up then an exception results and the attempt to bind the elements stops.

What I'd like is for the form element id to read Foo[Bar] (assuming no prefix required, otherwise Baz.Foo[Bar]), and for the binding process to use this to get the attempted value, and to then Try and update the KeyValuePair in the Dictionary Foo where the key is Bar with the attempted value. Is that too much to ask?

Now it's entirely possible (probable?) that I've not understood how to make the UpdateDictionary method tick, Googling has revealed nothing, so I'd be appreciative of any information anyone reading this might be able to impart. Otherwise, if I get a chance, I may look to implement my own ModelBinder that has this behaviour (but i'd rather not).

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